
Stem Cell Therapy Could One Day Help Patients With Retinal Disorders

April 26, 2019

Stem Cell Therapy Could One Day Help Patients With Retinal Disorders

San Diego Stem Cell Therapy For The Eyes

Stem cells have been an important focus of research for years. Many biomedical researchers believe that they could be used to repair tissues, particularly those that have cells that normally don’t divide. This is because a stem cell has the potential to become many other types of cells.

The retina is one such tissue. It’s made up of neurons, which normally don't divide. In general, after neurons are lost, they are not replaced by the body; therefore, loss of cells in the retina causes permanent vision loss. However, if stem cells could be used to grow new neurons in the retina, then vision could potentially be restored.

What Diseases Might Be Treated With Stem Cell Therapy?

According to researchers in this field, a variety of different conditions of the retina could potentially be treated using stem cell therapy, including:

Research has demonstrated that stem cell therapy in this context is safe. There are multiple clinical trials currently underway to determine how effective this form of treatment will be.

How Do We Get Stem Cells?

One source of stem cells in research has been discarded human embryos. This use has been controversial, with some people believing that it's unethical to use human embryos in this way. However, in medical practice, stem cells will need to be harvested from the patient himself or herself, so that the resulting cells are a genetic match for the patient and will not be rejected. Researchers have discovered that stem cells can be obtained from the bloodstream.

San Diego Stem Cell Therapy For The Eyes

As retinal specialists, we're always watching the research to learn about the newest therapies that may help to protect or improve your vision. Stem cell therapy for the eyes shows a great deal of promise, and we are excited for the possibilities it holds to help our patients who suffer from conditions that could affect their sight.

If you have a condition that could affect your vision, it's best to be under the care of a retinal specialist. In some cases, prompt treatment can save your vision

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