
What Is Lattice Degeneration?

May 26, 2019

Lattice Degeneration

Lattice degeneration is a common diagnosis. In some cases, it can lead to severe vision loss. What is lattice degeneration? How can it harm vision? Is it treatable?

What Is Lattice Degeneration?

Lattice degeneration is a hereditary condition that tends to be more common in those who are myopic, or nearsighted, although it can affect anyone. In people with this condition, the peripheral retina becomes thinner and undergoes a process of atrophy.

In most cases, lattice degeneration in itself will not cause significant symptoms. This will only affect the peripheral vision, which isn't really noticeable to most people, since the peripheral vision is already not very sharp anyway. However, the damage to the peripheral retina can lead to more serious problems, including retinal detachment, which can in some cases be vision-threatening.

How Does Lattice Degeneration Cause Retinal Detachment?

People with lattice degeneration experience a thinning and potentially atrophy of the peripheral (outer) parts of the retina. When the retina begins to thin and degrade, it's easy for fluid to pass into the space beneath. This can cause the retina to lift up off of the supporting structure beneath it. Because the primary blood supply to the retina passes through this layer, separating the retina from this layer can cause it to be deprived of oxygen and nutrients, leading to retinal damage. Permanent vision loss can result, if this condition is not treated promptly.

Thus, while lattice degeneration itself doesn't generally cause significant visual symptoms, it is still very important to be monitored regularly by a doctor, in order to ensure that there are no dangerous symptoms.

Lattice Degeneration Treatment Chula Vista, La Mesa, El Centro

We see patients with lattice degeneration, in our El Centro, La Mesa, and Chula Vista eye doctor offices. If you have this condition, or if you suspect that you are at risk, please contact our office to schedule an appointment with one of our retina specialists. Entrusting your care to a specialist in this field helps you to feel confident that you'll receive the right monitoring and, if necessary, treatment, so that you can keep your vision for life.

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