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Diabetic Eye Disease Month | American Eye Associates
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Diabetic Eye Disease Month

November 1, 2016

November is both National Diabetes Month and Diabetic Eye Disease Month. If you are diabetic and have not visited your ophthalmologist in over a year, please call our El Centro retina specialists at (760) 412-5136 to schedule an appointment right away. Diabetic eye disease can progress quickly and result in a complete loss of vision. Our retina specialists can detect early warning signs of these diseases and provide swift and effective treatment against their progression. Swift treatment is essential. Delaying will likely result in irreversible vision loss.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease. The leading cause of blindness among adults aged 20-74, risks for diabetic retinopathy increase the longer you have been diabetic. Risks are further increased by tobacco use, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and poor blood sugar maintenance. However, even men and women who control their diabetes may develop this condition. In fact, the National Institutes of Health reports that 7.7 million people over the age of 40 currently have diabetic retinopathy. This number is expected to increase to more than 11 million within the next 15 years.

Diabetic eye disease can impact people with both type I and type II diabetes, though it is more common among Hispanics, Latinos, and African Americans. However, no matter your race or ethnicity, if you have diabetes it is essential that you visit one of our San Diego retina doctors every year for a thorough examination. Treating diabetic eye disease is entirely possible, but vision lost cannot be restored. This is why it is best to act before symptoms occur.

This diabetic eye disease month, recommit to your visual health. Please contact American Eye Associates and schedule a consultation today. We maintain offices in Chula Vista and El Centro to better serve men and women living throughout the San Diego area.

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