How Your Lifestyle Impacts Retinal Health

How Your Lifestyle Impacts Retinal Health

Your risks for a number of retinal disorders can be increased or decreased based solely on the lifestyle choices you make. The good news is, it is never too late to start making choices that reduce your risks and improve your overall health. Our San Diego retina...
Retinal Lesions Linked to Zika Virus

Retinal Lesions Linked to Zika Virus

We know that the Zika virus is linked to microcephaly – a birth defect resulting in smaller brain and head size – but new research suggests this virus may be linked to vision disorders in infants as well. Findings published in Ophthalmology, the journal of the...
The Importance of Routine Eye Exams

The Importance of Routine Eye Exams

If it has been awhile since your last eye examination, it may be time to contact your ophthalmologist and schedule your next appointment. Even when vision seems stable and no obvious disorders or diseases are present, changes too small to notice may be occurring – and...
What Quitting Smoking Does for Your Eyes

What Quitting Smoking Does for Your Eyes

Smoking increases your risks for a number of serious vision-stealing disorders. These include: A doubled risk for cataract development Up to a 5.5x increase in risks for macular degeneration Risks of glaucoma and retinal detachment increased 2.2x Double the risk of...
Reducing Risks for Diabetic Retinopathy

Reducing Risks for Diabetic Retinopathy

Risk factors for diabetic retinopathy include: High blood pressure High blood cholesterol levels Sleep disorders Smoking These risk factors are often a direct result of poor management of diabetes and become more worrisome the longer you have the disease. If you are...
August is National Eye Exam Month

August is National Eye Exam Month

August in National Eye Exam month – a timely reminder that getting your eyes checked regularly is an important part of your annual healthcare routine. Many vision stealing diseases and conditions are slow to progress and may even be asymptomatic until sight begins to...
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